Investment Ecosystem

Ultimate Platform to Nurture Startups

Investee Companies

At 5F World and our partner network, we are committed to propel startups showcasing high growth potential irrespective of the industry they cater to. To support their transformative journey, we have built a robust investment ecosystem capable in seed funding and fundraising programs. Besides direct support the ecosystem fosters fruitful associations connecting startups with stakeholders in supporting innovative digital transformation ideas and ventures.

Kalzoom Advisors

Kalzoom Advisors, a joint venture with New York based Chesapeake Inc provides digital transformation consulting to large corporations, growth advisory to smaller innovative firms and a Grow-Buy-Sell service to firms building value in a competitive marketplace.

Live History India

Live History India brings lesser known history about India on to the spotlight educating people and creating a platform to help Indians and India lovers rediscover the many facets of our country.


InnoServ Group is a leading and growing company offering Digital Consulting to varied industry sectors like Education, Automobile, Healthcare, Real Estate. Its digital capabilities include specialised services in Performance, Content and Employer Branding. It also has a subsidiary offering skilling / upskilling and reskilling to professionals.

Studio Coppre

Studio Coppre was set up to revive the tradition of using copper in our lives, which is vanishing with the advent of steel and plastic. They address the need of bringing highly skilled metal-working artisans into the economic mainstream.


Farmguru is an agri tech community platform for farmers. We aim to positively impact farm earnings by leveraging agri science and technology with a focus on translating farming communities into income generating knowledge groups.
Farmguru works with an extensive network of influencers and is currently building technology to scale its business across geographies.